Deuteronomistic History (S20-313a)

Joint Session With: Deuteronomistic History, Orality, Textuality, and the Formation of the Hebrew Bible

4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
  Room: 3012 - Convention Center

Theme: Speech, Writing and Reading in Deuteronomy and in the DtrH

William Schniedewind, University of California-Los Angeles, Presiding

Raymond F. Person, Jr., Ohio Northern University

The Role of Memory and Multiformity in the Tradition Represented by the Deuteronomic History and the Book of Chronicles (25 min)

Cynthia Edenburg, Open University of Israel

Speaking, Writing and Reading the Law: Scribality and Royal Perogative in Deuteronomy and Kings (25 min)

William Morrow, Queen's School of Religion

Diplomacy as a Nexus between Oral and Written Performances by Ancient Scribes (25 min)

Elsie Stern, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

Inscribing Power: Representations of Divine and Royal Writing in Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomic History (25 min)

David Carr, Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York, Respondent (15 min)

Discussion (35 min)