S18-135 Orality, Textuality, and the Formation of the Hebrew Bible

Joint Session With: Orality, Textuality, and the Formation of the Hebrew Bible, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Textual Growth: What Variant Editions Tell Us About Scribal Activity
9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Room: S405b - McCormick Place
Theme: Memory, Manuscript, and Performance: Text Criticism, Orality Theory, and Parallel Literary Editions of Biblical Texts

Elsie Stern, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Presiding
Gary Martin, University of Washington
Textual Fluidity, Textual Viscosity, and Textual Rigidity (25 min)

Sarianna Metso, University of Toronto
The Role of Orality in Community Compositions from Qumran (25 min)

Stefan Schorch, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
The (Hypothetic) Hebrew Urtext and Its (Real) Readers: Revisiting the Urtext-Hypothesis in Light of Comparisons between the Samaritan and the Masoretic Text of the Torah (25 min)

Edward Silver, Wellesley College
Beyond the Urrolle Hypothesis: Evidence of Parallel Textual Encodings of Oral Prophetic Speech in the Book of Jeremiah (25 min)

Raymond Person, Ohio Northern University, Respondent (10 min)