Bible and Cultural Studies
4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: Room 22 (Upper level) - San Diego Convention Center (CC)

Theme: Decolonizing Pedagogies Project: Senses, Bodies, and Education
This panel, part of the Decolonizing Pedagogies Project, engages the topic through an analysis of the experiences of educators in the classroom, the space of learning and the place from which an educator teaches, and the struggles involved in the process. The session is co-sponsored by AAR's "Latino/a Religion, Culture, and Society," "Transformative Scholarship and Pedagogy," and "Lesbian Feminist Issues in the Study of Religion" Groups.

Lauren Guerra, Graduate Theological Union, Presiding
Patrick Reyes, Claremont Lincoln University
Decolonizing Critical Pedagogies in Theological Education: The Power of the Body that Questions (30 min)
Alka Arora, California Institute of Integral Studies
Embodiment, Spirituality, and Decolonization: Toward an Integral Feminist Pedagogy (30 min)
Heike Peckruhn, University of Denver
Pedagogical Performances: Fluid and Shifting Recognition and Embodied Knowledge Creation in the Classroom (30 min)