Religious Experience in Antiquity
Joint Session With: Religious Experience in Antiquity, Mind, Society, and Religion in the Biblical World
4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: Room 30 B (Upper level) - San Diego Convention Center (CC)

Theme: Review Session: The Neuroscience of Religious Experience (Patrick McNamara)
This is a special session devoted to discussing Patrick McNamara's book, The Neuroscience of Religious Experience (CUP, 2009).

Colleen Shantz, Toronto School of Theology, Presiding (5 min)
Christopher T. Holmes, Emory University
(Religious) Language and the Decentering Process: McNamara and De Sublimitate on the Ecstatic Effect of Language (25 min)
Angela Kim Harkins, Marie Curie Fellow, University of Birmingham
Thinking about the Neuroscience of Religious Experience: Daniel’s Interpretation of Scripture (25 min)
Lung Pun Common Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Fides et ratio: Apocalyptic Experience of "I" in light of McNamara's Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Decentering (25 min)
Istvan Czachesz, University of Heidelberg
Tours of Heaven in light of the Neuroscientific Study of Religious Experience (25 min)
April D. DeConick, Rice University
The Care of the Self and Gnostic Initiation (25 min)
Discussion (20 min)