S22-113 Biblical Hebrew Poetry; Book of the Twelve Prophets

Joint Session With: Biblical Hebrew Poetry, Book of the Twelve Prophets

11/22/2015 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Room: International 4 (International Level) - Marriott
Theme: The Role of Poetry in the Book of the Twelve
This joint session between the Biblical Hebrew Poetry Group and the Book of the Twelve Prophets Group explores poetic, rhetorical and other artistic uses of language in the book of the Twelve Prophets. Attention will be given to the role of poetry within the rhetoric of an individual book or the corpus as a whole as well as the role of poetic devices within particular passages or sections of the corpus.

Helmut Utzschneider, Augustana-Hochschule
Performance and Poetry in Prophetic Texts: Joel 1–2 as Performative Text (25 min)