
Bible in Ancient and Modern Media & Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship at the American Bible Society

11/23/2015 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM

Room: International 4 (International Level) - Marriott

Theme: Intersemiotic Translation: a new media approach

Our present new media age (mobile technologies in particular) is enacting an intersemiotic translation of the book as a material cultural phenomenon. Bible and book are inextricably bound, so how is this intersemiotic translation of book shaping the way bible is imagined and practiced? This session is not looking primarily at how the content of the bible is translated from one language to another but how the material media translation of the bible as book shapes the way we make meaning of its stories.

Michael Hemenway, Iliff School of Theology, Presiding

James Maxey, Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship at the American Bible Society, Presiding

Timothy Beal, Case Western Reserve University, Panelist

Pamela Eisenbaum, Iliff School of Theology, Panelist

Holly Hearon, Christian Theological Seminary, Panelist

Yancy Smith, Bible League International, Panelist

Gerald West, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Panelist